As our gas slowly ran down, fill up time became necessary. Stopping with the Bounder and the car attached becomes difficult as backing up is nearly impossible without detaching. We have to hunt down truck stops or large gas stations. We stopped at a Sinclair Gas Station which still had a fiberglass dinosaur out front, she adored it.
Shortly afterwards we decided we had to stretch our legs. Our top pick was Tamástslikt. It is a cultural center focused on the people who have lived in the area for 10,000+ years. The center celebrates the traditions of Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla Tribes. It was also heartbreaking for us as the devastation against the people is both obvious and not so obvious. The not so obvious was the government gave land to the tribes but then made it nearly impossible for the people to support themselves except by selling off their own land. Now, nearly 100 years later, the tribe is starting to be able to re-buy their land.
Approaching Tamástslikt Cultural Institute |
Our damaged Bounder
Labels: RV