EP and The Bounder
Monday, August 23, 2010
Scary clouds and a huge lake

Took off for South East Oklahoma where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. Went to McGee Creek and saw a pretty cool view while crossing the dam. On the drive there there was nasty nasty clouds and flatwinds that came out of nowhere. I had to fight to keep the van on the road and once thought for sure I would lose control. Good thing that van is a beast and just kept trucking.
Fiberglass animals

Oklahomans love their fiberglass animals to put in their yard. I don't understand why people love them so much but there they are. Stopped at a boot store that had a whole bunch of them for sale so I took a bunch of pictures. They like to put them along the highway and paint them all sorts of fanciful ways. Hit me up if you want me to ship you one.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Chinese Food

I looked high and low for a great chinese place so I checked out the Asian district in Oklahoma City. I went there and was blown away. The food was soo good and had the best hot and sour soup I have ever had. The shrimp was amazing and they left the heads on them so I tried eating it with the head on but I don't recommend that. Afterwards, me and buddha celebrated.
Exploring the woods

Was told there was an Indian Cemetary near where we were working. So Robert, one of my drillers, and I went tromping into the woods to find it. We found an old set of homes from about the 1940s and then later the Indian Cemetery. The guy who owned the land explained some of their customs to us so it was very interesting. We also found two badger holes but decided not to bother them so I didn't take a picture.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Seminole, Oklahoma

They say the Seminole are from Southern Florida yet here they are courtesy of the Unites States government and a man they put in the 20 dollar bill. They have a town but recently it got slammed by tornadoes. It is very tough to see how much was lost and how long it has taken for anything to be done. I really hope that something good will come of it.
American Bison

When most people think of buffalo on the open plain or playing Oregon Trail they think of hunting buffalo but in fact that they are American Bison. I got to get close enough to photograph one. It was enourmous and larger than I ever though possible. I think I was a bit frightened even being between two fences. I wanna see more.

I like to be friendly to all people and frequently give hitchhikers rides and folks who ask for it. I have decided that on my way to Sasakwa I won't give rides to anybody. Most often people are greatful and usually repay me in either a small amount of cash or the most sincere thanks you hear from people but around here I think I will hold off.
Firefighter Museum

Oklahoma has a firefighter museum. I sent to see it but it wasn't very good. It had a lot of stuff but was layed out horribly and had not information. I found out that why firefighters are known to have dalmation dogs is that they were used to clear away other dogs that could potentially scared the horses of the firefighting team.
Been a while

Been stuck in Sasakwa, Oklahoma. Population of 150 and almost 0 cell phone service. I can occasionally get text messages and almost always blackberry messages. The town has two intact buildings that arn't homes and most are abandoned. Looks like I will be there another week or so before I escape but at least I get to work on my tan. Everyday for lunch I go to the local cafe 8 miles down the road and have gotten to know a lot of the locals who all want to seem to talk and tell great stories. They seem to use the phrase "feel like I swallowed a weasel" to denote they are hungry.