Friday, May 28, 2010

Iced Himself

My friends went to a bachelor party in Myrtle Beach. Sadly, I couldn't go as I have so much going on this summer to begin with. Although my friend Capito did manage to Ice himself. Photographic evidence was sent to all.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Trip to Claremore, Oklahoma

On May 3, 1999, a series tornadoes ripped through the state causing incredible havoc and forced a new system for classifying tornadoes since the wind speed was so high. I didn't really quite understand it until my roommate showed me this concrete pad near Stroud, Oklahoma. This used to be an entire shopping center that was completely destroyed. I put a link up here of the center after the storm. Pretty wild.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A real dodgeball game

The past few days we have been running from hail as people scramble all over the city with their cars trying to avoid it or stashing them in any garage they can. At first I didn't realize what kinda damage that hail could do after watching pea sized hail come down. Then I began to understand as I drove around the city looking at some of the damage. I've seen entire neighboorhoods without roofs and probably 50 cars without windows. Watch this video for an amazing sight.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oklahoma City Thunder

Our basketball team is probably one of the best named teams in all of the NBA (way better than Wizards of D.C.). I didn't really understand it until last evening. I figured they were just named for a fearsome sound made by lightning but in fact they are named for the thunder from some ridiculous storms. Last evening we had such thunder that my roommate and i were both rattled awake even though we were on opposite sides of the house and my co-worker was awoke as well nearly a mile away. The house shook so hard that pictures came off the wall and things tipped over. That is some cool thunder.

Special Olympics

Yesterday our company helped out in the Special Olympics. Had a great time hanging out with a lot of cool kids including one kid named Aaron who was so proud of himself because he had more "A"s in his first name than I did. I meet another guy named Keith who didn't think I was real and then later was convinced i was Dan Akroyd.

State Flag Improvements

I found this flag online while browsing online and was thinking more state flags need to look like this. A small blurb describing it can clear up any questions;

"The state seal (a velociraptor’s head in front of flames) is emblazoned in the center in front of two known awesome things New Hampshire has no real tie to: an electric guitar and a SMAW (shoulder-mounted assault weapon, better known as a bazooka). However, it should be noted that the state legislature is currently reviewing a proposal to add a really sweet pair of tits to the flag."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tornado Monday

Well finally the day happened that all my coworkers were ribbing me about, my first tornado. As work was coming to a close today the alerts starting going off. Many of us scrambled our cars into shelters and two people immediately head for home. As we were getting ready to close the garage doors the wind kicked up and began a low howl as it passed through powerlines and swept across buildings. My roommate and I took his truck home when the tornado sirens began. We watched the news reports as a tornado touched down about a mile from us. Shortly after it passed, we both climbed on the roof to watch the storm continue to head east.

My friend snapped these two photos. The storm we saw was about the same color but our clouds were much wispier and bigger.

Monday, May 10, 2010

At Zach & Rachel's wedding, Capito and I started dancing. Everybody formed up in a circle to watch us dance in our ridiculous way. This a great photo from the evening. Photo credit to Bong Lee of

Friday, May 7, 2010

Starting May 17th, my address will change to the following;

326 NE 3rd Street
Apartment 204
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Thursday, May 6, 2010

One bum ruined it all

Somebody looked out the window at our office and noticed the cars were neatly arranged in alternating black and white except for one bum in a bright red Ford Aerostar with Kick But on the license plate.

They shipped my Maserati to me and I have been parking it in the work garage. Looks very odd being surrounded by stored furniture and old construction equipment.

A breakdown master

I did a silly thing and bought a 2002 Maserati Spyder GT. I got it pretty cheap and have been racing around all over Oklahoma. So far no speeding tickets.

A day at a jobsite

Driving home from my jobsite I managed to snap these beautiful photos of an Oklahoma sunset.

This seems to be normal for these people

I was on my way to deliver some documents to our local client. As I am driving along and think I smell the tempting smell of a bonfire. But looking around I realize that it is a small brushfire. I contacted some folks who called 911 and a fireman in a pickup truck came to put it out.


Funny Looking Statues

The city where I am initially living is called Edmond on the North side of the city. For some reason all the Oklahomans think it is the greatest town in the world but it is covered in Applebees and smells like dog food. The one cool thing is they have funny statues all over the city so when you wander around you occasionally get a little joy like this one

Boots are necessary

Hmmm, since this is my first post I suppose I will start with things that happened a while ago. My friends decided to stop at a western outfitter and dragged me to officially baptize me in the Oklahoma way. I suppose I could have bought myself a fine pair of jorts but I decided against it and went for a pair of fancy cowboy style boots.
