Monday, November 7, 2016

Buffalo, New York

 My cousin moved to New York and of course his family moved up with him.  Since I haven't seen my second cousins in forever, I thought it would be a brilliant to get to know them.  My oldest 2nd cousin was 12 and didn't really want to hang out with me, but her younger sisters all wanted to play all the time.  Lucy and Sam wanted to play all of the games, read all of the stories and play with all of the toys with me.   I loved every minute of it.  Later on, my cousin took me to Niagara Falls then a series of museum ships in Buffalo.  Dad and I, of course, got sucked into all the details about the ships and had to read every detail about them.

The final day, my cousin's parents brought us to their own personal museum which is the restored house of Frank Lloyd Wright.  We had a private tour and got to go in locations most people were not allowed to visit including dad in this "futuristic" shower.

Board Gaming

 Gaming is a big part of my life.  A few select photos from my life of gaming include my dearest character from the board game Pandemic Legacy.  Our Dungeon and Dragons Dungeon Master, Will Cocks, wearing his decorative hat as he teases our brains in one of our Sunday sessions.  Wrapping up the photos is the board game Expedition: Northwest Passage.  Which is the prettiest board game I have ever seen for such a cheap price.