Thursday, September 29, 2016

Local Wildlife

I was working on Andyland, doing what I do inside the well head.  In order to get more leverage, I had my hand on the CMU retaining wall that surrounded the wellhead when I felt something along my fingers.  Glancing over the wall, I saw this guy sliding along my fingers.  A good old Agkistrodon contortrix.  Good thing for me, this particular species of Copperhead isn't too agressive.

Trash Near Andyland

Andyland sits in the crossroads between three large cities and happens to be a bit out in the middle of no where.  People frequently just drop off trash on the side of the road because it is rural and they can get away with it.  The best I've seen so far is somebody just dumped a full boat.

Got Lost

A while ago I got lost driving around Southern Maryland.  I was fairly off the beaten path and the first two service stations were out of gasoline.  By the time I arrived at a station that had fuel and turned the car off, I saw this shining back at me.  Whew!