Busch Gardens
Bohnke and I decided to head to Busch Gardens for a little weekend getaway. Riding the rollercoasters and stuffing ourselves with silly foods was great. There is a huge release that comes from that first drop. The best roller coaster in my opinion is Verbolten. If you haven't been, I highly recommend it. Later on I bought a hat with a bunch of medusa snakes. It was a huge hit and I even scared a girl in line! Later we went to the Virginia Air and Space Center where they have the original Yankee Clipper! The Yankee Clipper is the command module of the Apollo 12 and flew around the moon! It is one of only 9 spacecraft to EVER leave lower earth orbit. Nine! We have nine craft that left the earth and now I've seen two. Megan and I also played in the kids area where Megan took her best photos she has ever taken.