Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pastel Unicorn

Today at lunch, my Co-worker and I stopped off at a thrift store that was across the way from the restaurant where we had decided to dine. Wandering around the store brought many gems until my wandering eyes found this delightful piece of art. I immediately bought it (even though they jacked up the price another 8 dollars). As of now, it's hanging in our office instead of our mission statement. But it will be decorating House Hanson very shortly. I tried googling it to find a better picture but, unfortunately, I could not find it (btw-google Pastel Unicorn and go to page six, it is quite fantastic).

Friday, December 16, 2011


Every year, people dress up in various holiday outfits (most often santas) and stroll through the streets of major cities giving holiday cheer and spreading happiness (along with some drinks imbibed). We collected a solid 4 person bus ride up consisting of Lauren, Timbone and my friend from Oklahoma City, James. After some juice boxes of wine, we arrived in New York. The group split while James & I headed to Megan's apartment where we met up with Mikey and proceeded crash a party next door. The next morn we donned our costumes and began to light the city ablaze. Lauren and I quickly realized that buying cases at 7-11 and then just bringing them to bars was a whole lot cheaper and quickly became the norm for the day. We sang naughty songs, met random strangers, two of my friends did it, we found an awesome pastrami place and were continually led to various parts of the city by a friendly gay man. The night was capped off by some parties in really swanky apartments. The next morning I forged on (still wearing my costume) where I rode a bus home and then did a puzzle. Pictures include the girls looking frownie because they were cold (somebody forgot to tell them that viking santas get to wear a giant fur top).

Monday, December 5, 2011

The road less travelled

As some of you know, working on an Army Base does not usually provide the prettiest views. But on one of the back roads at Fort Gordon, I found this gem of a photo. I feel like this could be the cover art for a book or a motivational poster. Shortly after this photo was taken, I went off roading and knocked over a dead tree with my bumper. Awesome!


I found out there is a magical place out near Front Royal, Virginia. That place is called Dinosaur Land. It has giant fiberglass dinosaurs and other such mythical stuff in what can only be described as AWESOME. They have dinos fighting dinos, a giant shark, king kong and the scariest looking giant sloth you will ever see. Quite possibly the best 5 dollars I have ever spent. You all are chumps if you haven't been.