Sunday, November 7, 2010

The beautiful port of Zadar

We bounced around Zadar on the Adriatic Coast and found Austro-Hungarian gates, Roman ruins, I started my skill of finding cats all over and a waterfront which left much to view.

Final lake photos

The heights we climbed were absurd and I was scared every moment. Megan coaxed me on and we made it to the top. I was impressed with myself since I had jumped off a 13 m platform only 2 days before. Megan decided to flash everybody too!

I must devote another whole post to these lakes

Just some more photos. I can't get over how much I like them.

Plitvice Lakes

I really can't say more but these places are beautiful

The beginning of Plitvice Lakes and a woman in a cart

We went to the plitvice lakes which are some of the most beautiful in the world. They are Unesco world heritage sight and worth everybodys time. We also saw how people got around in Bosnia and we passed through a town with rafting named Bihac pronouced Bi-atch!


We saw a huge waterfall in the ancient city of Jajce, which if you look up, has a very cool way of saying it. It has a huge waterfall and is one of the strongest fortress is Europe. We stopped shortly and I tried to eat cow brain but they were sold out so I settled for soup. Megan was completely grossed out. Later on she acted like a minx on a bridge and we ran into the thickest fog you have ever seen. We stopped once a long the road to nap because we were wiped out.

A night in the rain

Torrential rainfall in Sarajevo can have its perks too. We enjoyed playing in the rain and a whole bunch of natives cheered us on. We later found a Sarejevo Rose which we had been told had been removed to ease the healing. It was an amazing site as a Sarajevo Rose was damages in pavement or stone which were filled in with a red wax like substance and came to symbolize the bloodshed of the war.