When was the last time you saw these?
I had been told by a few people we had to stop in Glenns Ferry, Idaho. It had been an important crossing for the folks on the Oregon Trail. We initially stopped at the Three Island Crossing State Park; the museum there was FANTASTIC. It showed why the crossing of the plains was super dangerous, but also showed how devastating the European migration and U.S. broken treaties were to the native peoples here. To think about going what they went through as if it happened to me (children forcibly pulled away from homes by the government), made me weep in the museum. EP needed to run around a bit so we walked along the Snake River. It is unreal how many burrs she will get in her feet and not even notice. We went over to a nearby RV park where we camped the entirety of the 5th for work. At the end of the day we rode bikes the library (awesome), then ate dinner at a winery. While eating we met a lovely couple with their 2 birthed children and 2 adopted children also living in an RV (rock on)! The night got weird as we were leaving. EP was getting cold (we had no extra clothes), so I gave her my tshirt. Moments later, Dallas's bike tire popped. So, shirtless, I rode back to the RV where I retrieved Micah's truck. I picked up a sleepy baby, an exhausted mama and a very broken bike to take back home. The next morning, I found
pogs on the ground.
The only town it could exist in, didn't have a Dennys
A wagon can definitely carry one EP
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