Friday, May 17, 2019

Korea- The Gem of Danyang

You can see the walkway construction behind me
 Our trip to Chiaksan had forced us to find a hotel on the fly for the next night.  Looking at our phones, we found a nearby city of Danyang.  Oh boy was Danyang a treasure, as you shall see.  Wilson and I first were told of this amazing cliffside pathway.  The river was very low (Korea was in a drought) which made me very scared of heights.  Wilson was so sweet and held my hand when needed.  He later did a photoshoot with a bunch of very enthusiastic Korean women who wanted him in all their photos.  At the end of our walk we noticed a GIANT zipline course.  It was very cheap so we gave it a try.  It was super exhilarating.  I hollered at the top of my lungs nearly the entire time. 
The designers added these grates for truly terrifying views.

Koreans add little decorations like this that make the
country delightful

I managed to go on the grates solo.
I almost passed out from fear.

The top of the mountain has a very high lookout.
The top is all grating and it took me about 10 minutes to
be brave enough to visit the edge.  A Korean park ranger
gave me applause when I made it back to the platform.

Our path for ziplining

Wilson in his safety gear, not nervous at all

These are other people but those tiny dots show how high the zip line was installed!


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