Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Korea Part 1!- Seoul

Looking out over 1/10th of the city of Seoul, its a big city
My buddy Wilson and I had a million airline miles to use.  We decided to go off the usual travel road and see beautiful Korea (South).  We started our journey in Seoul which is wayyyy bigger than you think.  It's filled with just about every single thing you could possibly want.  Here's just a sampler of photos from the area.  Wilson took the majority and my phone would run out of battery fast!  Of the oddest adventures was we decided to take a nature trail.  Halfway along the nature trail, the military reviewed our passports and then we had 2 hours to finish a pretty grueling hike.  We had no idea why until we realized the prime ministers house is just below this hillside park and had been the site of an attack in the 1960s by North Korean commandos.  It was quite an incredible scene.
My year of the Zodiac, the boar and I.  Representing clan Nightingale in Korea

Maybe 1/10th of Seoul

You end up walking a lot, sometimes you get tired.



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