Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Korea-This time, the North

A train destroyed during the Korean War that sat in the DMZ
for almost 50 years.
Many Americans forget how brutal the division between North and South Korea currently is on the minds of the people of Korea.  We visited the DMZ which contains many items were were not allowed to photograph.  It's a stark reminder at how militarized and how brutal the conflict still is today.  We forget so often how much hardship the people of South Korea underwent even under the supposed democracy of the country.  Many South Koreans blame the United States, as there was a treaty in place to leave American troops and equipment in the country, which was pulled out.  The American pull out led to the North believing they could conquer the country (which they almost achieved).  The suffering of the civilian population combined with the American puppet government, still causes much sorrow in the collective memory.  It's important to remember the cost to civilians during American intervention. 
The famous tallest flagpole in the world.  I would not want
to change that flag.

The closest guard station to the South Korean Border.  It later
turned out to be the entrance to the 3rd infiltration tunnel.

Notice how few trees are on the mountaintops.  Intelligence
believes each mountain is hollow and filled with artillery
and other military units.  



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