
Tonight I decided to try a new place to eat. It was a typical steak and potatoes place (but Drew don't worry, I had asparagus instead). It was decent steak but I did win a free beer by answering a trivia question correctly so +1 to that. The odd thing was as I exited the establishment, I happened to see movement to my right. In a section of unused parking lot between the strip mall and this restaurant was two groups of bikers, about 20 feet apart, pelting each other with rocks. These weren't small rocks but ones about the size of softballs. I watched for a few minutes as they nailed each others extremities and bikes with rocks then decided that I would rather finish my book so I headed home. Mind you this looked like they were doing it for fun but I would not want to put my personal property nor myself in path of hurled softball sized rocks. If anybody has heard of this, I'm all ears.
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