Friday, May 28, 2021

Leg 24- May 27- Anacortes, WA

I'm such a photographer
The Bounder rolled into it's final destination for this adventure, Dallas's family home in Anacortes.  Eliza Pearl has now met her final direct blood family members.  It was a touching moment when EP met her grandfather but, like a doofus, I goobered up the picture of them meeting.  Dallas wept, Dwight and Mary wept, & EP made hooting noises.  Evening time brought a smorgasborg of Milhollands reading on the bed for evening bedtime (very cute and they didn't notice me swing my hand around the doorframe for a photo).  The Bounder had made it 3,819 miles without a major breakdown (lots of little fiddly problems but nothing drivetrain).  We started at 31,388 miles on the odometer and rolled in at 35,207 when parked in their driveway. 

Dallas here: We'll celebrate this unite here and in Bellingham, WA for a few more days, then we will head north to Naknek, AK for the summer salmon season. We will probably keep blogging, just every once in a while as opposed to every night/every leg. Also, mail is always welcome in Naknek! It's like a holiday!

The Milhansons

c/o Leader Creek Fisheries

PO Box 449

Naknek, AK 99633

This is the back driveway into what used to be my grandparents house, now my Dad and Mary's house. It's a beautiful sight. The view out the left side of this photo is of Skagit Bay, Whidbey Island, and Mt. Baker. It's truly a beautiful "Welcome Home."


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