Thursday, April 17, 2014

Heritage Museum

So we were looking our local guidebook and found a small museum run by vets to showcase local military achievements and remembrances. It was a small museum and the staff was so excited to have folks come look they gave us a personal tour. We saw many rare items and I noticed a certificate for becoming a shellback. A shellback is a person who has crossed the equator and a Polliwog is someone who has not. Our guide posed for a picture with me. Dad offered to donate his father's WW2 coast guard uniform since they did not have one and it would be rather rare. They also had a train. A little anecdote, my Grandfather was stationed on the Outerbanks during WW2 to save people from torpedoed ships, spot U-Boats and patrol the beaches (he was also a navy spy trying to catch some people doing funny business at the station). He said they would often see U-Boats off the coast and since neither side could hit each other they would often wave. Later he told me they were to be on vigil for a German landing party. But... my Grandfather only had 5 shots and seriously wondered what would happen if 6 people came.


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